Check-in/Check out/Inspections- by appointment ​
8-10am Monday-Saturday (peak and off peak)
4-430pm Monday-Friday (off peak)
Closed to customers Sundays and public holidays
Phone and email will be answered throughout the day,
(please leave a message as we cant always answer the phone if we are with a guest or out of range)
Peak periods and public holidays
School holidays/peak periods
​​​​April 05/04/25-21/04/25
June 28/06/25-13/07/25
September 20/09/25-06/10/25
December 13/12/25- 27/01/26
2025 Public holidays
Friday 18 April - Good Friday
Saturday 19 April - The day after Good Friday
Sunday 20 April - Easter Sunday
Monday 21 April - Easter Monday
Friday 25 April - Anzac Day
Monday 5 May - Labour Day
Monday 6 October - King’s Birthday
Wednesday 24 December - Christmas Eve
Thursday 25 December - Christmas Day
Friday 26 December - Boxing Day